The booking of a club boat has a number of conditions that must be met:
1. The skipper and crew must be financial members of Chelsea Yacht Club;
2. The allocated boat is available to be used on Saturdays only;
3. If you have not claimed and begun rigging your allocated voat by 12.30pm on a Saturday it may be allocated to another club member on that day:
4. The Discover Sailing programs will have priority over the use of the boat on Saturday mornings;
5. The boat is only to be used in an activity under the supervision of at least one rescue boat;
6. General maintenance due to wear and tear is undertaken by CYC. Any damage or loss of fittings or equipment needs to be reported immediately to a committee member;
7. Where damage is sustained to the boat that is attributable to either not operating the boat in accordance with CYC Policies and Procedures, or an act of negligence, the user may be responsible for meeting the cost of repairs (or replacement);
8. The fee for the day is $10.00. If your application is not approved, your booking fee will be refunded.
By completing this booking the applicant agrees to the above conditions