Make a booking


$10.00 per day

The booking of a club Stand Up Paddleboard has a number of conditions that must be met:
1. The user must be financial members of Chelsea Yacht Club;
2. The allocated boat is available to be used during staffed hours only;
3. If you have not claimed your allocated SUP by 30 minutes post booking start time it may be allocated to another club member on that day:
4. The Discover Sailing programs will have priority over the use of the SUPs on Saturday mornings;
5. The SUP is only to be used in an activity under the supervision of at least one rescue boat;
6. General maintenance of the SUP is undertaken by CYC. Any damage or loss of fittings or equipment needs to be reported immediately to a committee member;
7. Where damage is sustained to the SUP that results in an insurance claim, the user may be responsible for paying the insurance excess;
8. The fee for the day is $10.00. If your application is not approved, any booking fee paid will be refunded.

By completing this booking the applicant agrees to the above conditions

Please select a start time no earlier than 06:00.
Please select an end time no later than 23:59.

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